Nine careers advisory centres (CIOs) welcome and advise pupils and students in Paris

img_dico26For secondary education

Six careers advisory centres have as their mission to welcome the general public, especially pupils and their families. Their role is to inform and advise pupils about studies, vocational training courses, qualifications and jobs. Careers advisory centres also play a role in observing and analysing the local evolutions in the educational system and the jobs market, as well as in producing concise documents for teachers and pupils. Another part of their mission is to organise debates and discussions among all the partners in the educational system, i.e. parents, pupils, local decision-makers and key economic players.

For higher education

The advisory careers centre for higher education is specialised in post-secondary school studies. Unique in France and located at the Sorbonne, this CIO is both an inter-university careers advisory centre and a place to come to for advice for anyone already pursuing or wishing to begin third-level studies in Paris, in the Île-de-France region, elsewhere in France, or abroad. It is also a place where career guidance professionals can obtain information. Twelve psychologist-careers advisers work both here and in the SCUIO-IP university careers advisory  centres in the Parisian universities.

Two other CIOs are also specialised

The Médiacom CIO is the only advisory centre in France that is specialised in relations with the media. The psychologist-advisers in that centre work within the framework of partnerships in other information-providing centres (the Cité des Métiers de la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie and the CIDJ). There is also the CIO attached to the juvenile court, which sees children and young adults and whose staff members are regularly present in remand centres to carry out their mission.